Monday, November 3, 2014

Lessons Learned

Temple Reunion: I think my happy place in my mind will forever be the grounds of the London Temple. It is the most peaceful and beautiful place and we were able to go there with a few of our investigators with the ward. The ward hired a coach and it was especially special because Dan Williams went through the temple for the first time. He is going to serve a mission in Provo in December. A cool story behind that is that Elder Bradshaw was actually trained in Bournemouth and and was here a year ago. He helped Dan have the desire to go on a mission and start his papers. When Elder Bradshaw left, Dan was praying for him to come back, and a year later he did. This doesn't happen too often, so it truly was an answer to Dan's prayers. The Elders got permission to go through with him. How special is that? I love the Williams' family so much. They have been through a lot, and are such examples to me. It was the prettiest day ever and I'll send loads of pictures. Out of all the days to be at the temple Sister Schimdt and her companion came with an investigator and I was so excited to see her. Also, it was the stake temple day for Bristol so I saw loads of the Bath ward. It was the sunniest day-weather wise and happiness wise. Heavenly Father is so kind to me.

I am supposed to write 5 valuable lessons to submit that I've learned to the mission and thought of these 11 things that I have learned on my mission. I could elaborate on them, but I'll keep it simple.

1. My mission never really ends.
2. People who fall away from the church just need to feel sincere and consistent love to come back.
3. We need to be conduits to the Spirit in order do the Lord's work. 
4. There is opposition in all things.
5. True Faith in Jesus Christ leads to diligent, consistent action.
6. The small and simple things are actually the largest and most significant in spirituality. If you are struggling, go back to the basics.
7. We all have weaknesses, but when we rely on the Lord they can become our strengths
8. Use your talents and the unique person you are to share the gospel.
9. The Book of Mormon opens the door to truth, personal revelation, and Jesus Christ.
10. The worth of every soul is great in the sight of God- leave judgments at the door. Like my good friend Mother Theresa said "If you judge someone, you have no time to love them."
11. Obedience brings happiness. Disobedience does not. Obedience is the only way to progress.
 "for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Phillipians 4:11

Content: I came across this in my scriptures this morning and I felt like it really spoke to me in how I am feeling at the moment because everyone loves to ask you how you are feeling as your time is dwindling on your mission. I honestly feel content with life, and I know that is a choice that we can make every day in whatever situation and location we may find ourselves. I have 2 weeks left and am going to work hard and enjoy this time, but I know my mission is just starting a new chapter soon that is exciting and different. I am so exicted for Paulo's baptism coming up and we are teaching some amazing people who I love so dearly. I love you all so much and hope you are content where you are at this moment:)

Rodney and Mark, our invetsigators at the temple. Rodney is too cool for school to smile, haha. Me and Sister Schmidtyyyyyy!!!!!!!

The Elders and us with Dan Willaims and his brother, Josh, Halloween! The ward did an awesome trunk n treat even thought they call the trunk boot and I carved the temple in my pumpkin :) Justine (dressed as a pumpkin) is amazing! She is a recent convert's friend we are teaching

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